Founder President
Medical Doctor with experience of 50 + years as a Family Physician with extensive family practice in villages. He has vast experience of rural health scenario. He is engaged in many charitable health care activities. With his strong determination and dedication towards rural health projects, Sanjivani has travelled this distance in past seventeen years.
Dr. Patel is a senior family physician practicing for last 40 years. He too has good exposure to rural health conditions. Prior to starting his private practise, Mr. Patel worked as a medical officer with Government. He is engaged with many professional organizations.
MBA,Industrialist having factory in Vatva Industrial Area-High Pack Pakaging Industry-Involved in Blood Donation campaigns and with Satya Sai Foundation activities.
Jt. Secretary
Mr. Patel is a businessman. He is wholesale distributor of Vadilal Icecream. He comes from a family that has back ground of social service. He is a selfless and extremely committed volunteer, having strong affinity for rural problems. His family also participates whole heartedly in selfless social service.
He is a free lancing Businessman –A reputed name in innovative products in plastic Industry of India. Has been actively involved in charitable and organizational activities since his childhood. He is a good orator and has a special hobby of ancient Glass bottle collection for which he is known across globe.
A reputed senior Family Physicians of Ahmedabad with experience of over 52 years and is a good campaigner and team builder.
A reputed senior Family Physicians of Ahmedabad with experience of over 52 years. Dr Kiritbhai is also engaged in many socio-religious activities also.
Is a Retired wholesale grain merchant. Has rural background. Is a good coordinator, campaigner. Has more affinity for child welfare work in rural schools.Has good liaison skill with Government setup.
Is a fine arts degree holder.Has rural background.Is a professional photographer.Is a good coordinator.Always ready for any rural charitable work.